
Dancehouse stands on what always was and always will be Aboriginal land. We pay our respects to the traditional owners of this land, the Wurundjeri peoples of the Kulin Nation, to their Elders past and present, and acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded.

Surrendering to Physics: CI and Axis Syllabus — Chrystabel Butler

Surrendering to Physics: Contact Improvisation and Axis Syllabus

We explore Contact Improvisation dance through Axis Syllabus principles investigating anatomy, physics and biomechanics to inform organic, joyful movement! We will look at the basics principles of Axis Syllabus and improvise with movement and CI dance to find pathways for organic movement. Through understanding the structure of our bodies, we can expand access to freedom of movement! We become soft and free and then fly.
Each class will have a particular focus for understanding part of the body or working with a particular aspect of our embodiment such as tone, tension, alignment, mass and gravity, release, assembly/disassembly and flow.

Chrystabel Butler brings a wide range of experience to movement and dance. With a background in competitive gymnastics, she has pursued research and teaching in various somatic dance modalities. She is a Dance Movement Therapist, as well as a certified instructor for Yoga and Pilates. She has taught Contact Improvisation in UK, Japan, Netherlands, Bulgaria and Australia and provides personal movement coaching through authentic movement and rehabilitative modalities. Engaged with intensive study of Axis Syllabus since 2014, passionate about approaching dance through an understanding of anatomy, physics and biomechanics, she leads classes and workshops in Axis Syllabus Inspired Movement and Dance.

16 April—14 May 2024






$220 Full
Concession available, contact Chrystabel to discuss




No dance experience necessary-all welcome!
Please bring warm layers, long sleeves, long pants and socks.

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