Upstairs Studio
9.5m x 14m / 133m2
9.5m x 14m / 133m2 / 100p Capacity
Upstairs Studio is a large, vaulted timber floor studio space with natural light and bleachers at one end of the space. Upstairs Studio is popular with workshops and masterclasses, rehearsals and intimate studio-style performances and presentations. Performances with light technical requirements are presented in this space.
Upstairs Studio has: polished timber floors, heating, air conditioner, natural light, partial black-out, partial LX rig, no mirrors, sound system aux plug in, no stereo, moveable seating.
Accessibility: Limited access: stairs only.
Located in North Carlton, Dancehouse is a performance venue dedicated to contemporary dance with a comfortable foyer, bar and amenities, two flexible studio spaces, upstairs and a theatre with backstage, and garden on the ground floor.
While Dancehouse spaces are primarily set-up for dance performances, rehearsals and workshops, they are versatile and available for a wide range of applications. Dancehouse has played host to talking events, music gigs, parties, photo shoots, community festivals and corporate planning days.