Where We Stand Public Program

_In Conversation
15 December
Talking process with Isabella Waru
Laniyuk (Larrakia, Kungarrakan, Gurindji), speaks with Isabella Waru (Ngati Tukorehe, Te Ati Awa) about their processes of thinking, making, facilitating and learning around and beyond the work, Where We Stand.
Imagining kinship in the colony
with Arika Waulu, Laniyuk, Leah Avene, Neil Morris, Pauline Vetuna and Sha Gaze
How do we as Indigenous, Black and Brown folks negotiate our interactions in the colony? How do we communicate, connect, exchange and navigate our interactions within and via these systems that serve to oppress, divide and infiltrate (First peoples always bearing the brunt of this violence, and settlers existing as beneficiaries of it)? Is it possible to interact on our own terms, via lore? What might this look like? How do we navigate living, working and creating in these contexts in ways that honour the lands we are on and our relationships as sovereign people? What might it look like to nurture and build this sort of solidarity and awareness?
FIRE TALK is a post-show yarning circle, offering audiences the opportunity to talk about the work they have just experienced. Directly after the show, Indigenous theatre/dance artist Jacob Boehme facilitate a 45 minute informal conversation, leading you through 5 questions to explore, interrogate and express in your own language, the connections made to Isabella Whāwhai Waru’s Where We Stand. With FIRE TALK we aim to open up new dialogue around how we perceive and talk about Indigenous arts.
Click below for curated list of resources.
Resource List
In conjunction with Isabella Whāwhai Waru’s Where We Stand here you will find direct links to Instagram; publications; videos; Facebook; events and places; radio shows and podcasts; and film and TV.
IRL: Incendium Radical Library
YL: Yarra Libraries
Whiteness Studies
Decolonizing Solidarity — Clare Land
White Fragility — Robin DiAngelo
Black on white — Black writers on what it means to be white. Edited by David R Roediger (IRL)
Postcolonial whiteness: A critical reader on race and empire. Edited by Alfred J Lopez (IRL)
White — Richard Dyer (IRL)
Different white people — radical activism for Aboriginal rights 1946-1972 — Deborah Wilson (IRL)
The Pure Society: from Darwin to Hitler — Andre Pichot (IRL)
Everything but the burden — Edited by Greg Tate (IRL)
An Alphabetical Anthology of White Liberal Proverbs —-Jacob V. Joyce (IRL)
Whiteness and Blackness in the Koori Struggle for Self-Determination — Gary Foley
Human Rights & Human Wrongs: A Life Confronting Racism —- Colin Tatz (IRL)
Black Power in Australia: Neville Bonner versus Bobbi Sykes —- General Editor: Ann Turner (IRL)
The Fire This Time: A New Generation Speaks About Race —- Edited by Jesmyn Ward (IRL)
Racism: A Short History – George M. Fredrickson (IRL)
Frames of War: When is Life Grievable? —- Judith Butler (IRL)
Dismantling Racism: A Resource Book for Social Change Groups —- Western States Center (IRL)
Genocide in Australia — Colin Tatz
Asking, We Walk: The South as New Political Imaginary — Edited by Corinne Kumar (IRL)
The Empire Writes Back — Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin (IRL)
The Law of the Land — Henry Reynolds (YL)
Orientalism – Edward W. Said (IRL)
Culture and Imperialism —- Edward W. Said (IRL)
Empire — Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri (IRL)
First Nations History
People of the Merri Merri: The Wurundjeri in Colonial Days Isabel Ellender and Peter Christiansen (YL)
The Melbourne Dreaming: A Guide to the Aboriginal Places of Melbourne Myer Eidelson(YL)
Untold Stories: Memories and Lives of Victorian Kooris Jan Critchett (YL)
Black and Bloody Beautiful By Naima Green Honours Thesis Harvard University USA
Whitewash: On Keith Windschuttle’s Fabrication of Aboriginal History — Edited by Robert Manne (IRL)
Pemulway: The Rainbow Warrior — Eric Willmot (IRL)
Fighting Hard: The Victorian Aborigines Advancement League — Richard Broome (IRL)
Broken Circles: Fragmenting Indigenous Families 1800-2000 — Anna Haebich (IRL)
First Nations Politics
Just Relations — Alison Holland (IRL)
Inside Black Australia — Edited by Kevin Gilbert (IRL)
Because a white man’ll never do it — Kevin Gilbert (IRL)
Trapped in the Gap — Emma Kowal (IRL)
The Trouble with Tradition: Native Title and Cultural Change — Simon Young (YL)
‘Australia’, Aotearoa/ Nz & Pacific
Refugees: Why Seeking Asylum is Legal and Australia’s Policies Are Not — Jane McAdam & Fiona Chong (IRL)
Briefings Refuge Australia — Klaus Neumann (IRL)
Nauru Burning: An Uprising and it’s Aftermath — Mark Isaacs (IRL)
Growing Up Asian in Australia — Edited by Alice Pung (IRL)
Escape From West Papua — Alan Nichols (IRL)
Terror in our Midst? Edited by Danny Keenan (IRL)
Talkin’ Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism — Aileen Moreton-Robinson(IRL)
Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology — Edited by Barbara Smith (IRL)
Feminism Without Borders: Decolonising Theory, Practicing Solidarity — Chandra Talapade Mohanty (IRL)
Ain’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism — bell hooks (IRL)
Third World/ Second Sex — Compiled by Miranda Davies (IRL)
Don’t Take Your Love to Town — Ruby Langford (IRL)
Why “I’m not racist” is only half the story | Robin DiAngelo — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzLT54QjclA
Deconstructing White Privilege — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwIx3KQer54
Melbourne Activist Legal Support
Deaths Inside (Data base on Aboriginal Deaths in Custody)
Me and White Supremacy Workbook (Layla F. Saad)
The Killing Times (Data base on massacres 1788-1928)
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody ( breakdown of the Royal Commission)
DjabWurrung Heritage Protection Embassy
Stop Black Deaths in Custody Australia
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History
Victorian Aboriginal Childcare Agency
Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre at the Melbourne Museum
Fitzroy Aboriginal Heritage Walking Trail
Melbourne’s first Indigenous owned and managed radio station
Blak ‘n’ Deadly (Friday 11am-12pm)
Blaknoise Radio (Thursday 2pm-3pm)
Fire First (Wednesday 11am-12pm)
Hip Sista Hop (Sunday 4pm-5:30pm)
Koori Survival Show (Tuesday 10am-11am)
The Black Block (Monday 11am-1pm)
Still Here (Sunday 1pm-2pm)
All Our Stories (Monday 1pm)

This work was developed in conversation with the Wurundjeri Tribe Council and is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria.