Dancehouse is on Wurundjeri Country. We offer our respects to the Wurundjeri woi-wurrung people — and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people — who continue to dance on Country, and have done, for thousands of generations. Always was and always will be Aboriginal land.

Hold me closer Tony Danza

'Hold me closer Tony Danza' (2020), The Farm. Photo by Gregory Lorenzutti for Dancehouse.
3—7 March 2020
Program One:
(4 works x 20 min + interval)
Tuesday 3 March, 7pm
Thursday 5 March, 7pm 
Saturday 7 March, 2pm


Sylvia Staehli Theatre
Tickets from $15

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Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible

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Once we hear something, it can’t be unheard and once we say something it can’t be unsaid. Hold me closer Tony Danza is an investigation into how we form meaning and a provocation that perhaps our understanding of the world is intrinsically flawed. The light-hearted reference to a commonly misheard song lyric contains a deeper proposition about how we accumulate information and the damage we can do with our opinions and a lack of empathy or connectedness. The Farm questions the randomness of the things we find important, how we form meaning and the whole idea of certainty itself. They speak about the world by embodying their experience within it, where the act of performing reflects a desire to be an involved and evolved participant on our planet.

Concept: The Farm (Kate Harman, Michael Smith and Gavin Webber)
Performers: Kate Harman and Michael Smith
Music: Anna Whitaker
Design: Vilma Mattila

Keir Choreographic Award 2020

Program One (3, 5 & 7 March):

Jo Lloyd (VIC)
The Farm (QLD)
Riana Head-Toussaint (NSW)
Angela Goh (NSW)

Program Two (4, 6 & 7 March):

Amrita Hepi (VIC)
Lewis Major (SA)
Alison Currie and David Cross (SA/VIC)
Zachary Lopez (NSW)


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The Farm (Kate Harman, Michael Smith and Gavin Webber) is a network of like minded artists and designers who enjoy collaborating together and share a love of art both high and low. They create physical performances that range from traditional theatre and dance to outdoor installations, film and immersive theatrical experiences. They aim to defy expectations, including our own, and are are driven by a desire to connect to anyone, from dance and theatre virgins to aficionados and professionals. Often described as cinematic, their work is based on universal subjects and themes that matter.

The Keir Choreographic Award Dancehouse Public Program is presented by Dancehouse in partnership with City of Yarra, Abbotsford Convent, Faculty of the VCA and MCM | University of Melbourne, Temperance Hall, Chunky Move, Lucy Guerin Inc., Common Rooms and The Mill. Dancehouse would like to warmly thank the Keir Foundation for making this public program possible. Accomodation proudly supported by City Tempo.

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